19 Mar Bangshift
December22, 2014
Bangshift. Com
Attn: Chad Reynolds
- Why do we need to filter fuel & oil in our cars?
Answer: All engines have normal wear and it will shed material. On a fresh start up, bearings will always shed side clearance that matches the radius of the crank. After this occurs, it somewhat finds its own home. We do not want to recirculate this thru the oiling system over and over again. By filtering the oil it prevents premature engine wear which could lead to early engine failure. With typical throw away paper filters, you never see what is going on inside the filter or more with our System 1 filter. You can see exactly what’s going through the oiling system, which allows you to fix the problem before it becomes a major problem.
The same holds true for Fuel Filter applications. With today’s electronic fuel injection systems, it is crucial to have good filtration. As for selecting the right filter for your application, EFI nozzles & pumps have a tighter tolerance and are less forgiving to partials & contaminate compared to carburation, so selecting the correct micron rated filter is very important.
- What is the difference between remote filtering to filtering the oil at the block?
Answer: Filtering at the block is always the best if possible because of the shorter distance the oil has to travel. In some applications a remote filter is your only choice and selecting the right filter & mount is crucial. It needs to be open and free of any restrictions and as close to the block as possible. If your remote mount is 3 feet away from the block, the oil has to travel 6 feet to return to the motor. This can be taxing on the oil pump to push oil that far. Also, try to use tube type fittings on any 45 * or 90 * hose ends. They flow much better than the cast type fittings.
- Will a Oil Filter make horsepower or cost you power?
Answer: Throughout the years, we have heard from engine builders that they picked up anywhere from 2 to 12 hp. just by spinning our System 1 Filter on the motor. It does make sense because we are about 6 times less restrictive than the paper style filters, so the pump doesn’t have to work as hard pushing oil thru the filters, so yes it could free up more horsepower but it is something that we don’t advertise as such.
What we do promote is that your oil pressure will increase about 3 to 10 lbs. just by spinning our filter on. Our filter Media is uniform 360 degrees around the element vs the paper media has highs and lows thru out the pleats and as we know, oil will take the path of least resistance. So the majority of your oil in a paper filter will go thru the thinnest area, which micron rating wise is not the best for your engine.
- What is the required maintenance on a fuel filter?
Maintenance on a gas fuel filter is not as much as say a methanol fuel filter. The gas application can be serviced quickly by cleaning in Solvent or brake clean and blown out with air from the inside-out and re-installed into the housing. The methanol fuel filters requires more service than gas filters do. As we know, methanol is very corrosive to lines, fittings, pump bodies, gears etc. If methanol is left in the lines, pumps and fuel filters, it starts to build up a glaze, and for a stainless element, it starts to become restrictive and can plug up quickly. We recommend with alcohol applications, to never let it set full of fuel for very long. After a weekend of racing we recommend you blow out all the lines with air and chase it with Marvel Mystery Oil. Same thing with the fuel pump blow it out with air then roll the motor over a few times, then put a couple tablespoons of Marvel Mystery Oil in the top of the pump and roll it over backwards again. This will coat the fuel pump and stop the corrosive action inside the pump the same holds true for the fuel filter. Clean it out with Brake Clean or Solvent, blow it from the inside out with air and put it back together dry! Another quick tip is to run gasoline thru the fuel system to flush out all the alcohol in the system if possible.
If you follow the above steps, your fuel system will be trouble free for years to come!
If you think your element is becoming restrictive, stand it up in the solvent tank shelve and turn the solvent on, and it should run out as fast as it goes in. If it starts to fill-up the element it’s time to change it.
- Paper-vs What is the difference?
Paper filters has a torturous path for oil to travel thru the paper element. That’s why it can lose 6 to 8lbs. of pressure plus volume as it travels thru the element. There is highs and low in the paper and oil will take the path of least resistance. So if there is a low spot in the paper, that’s where the majority of the oil will travel. With our stainless woven wire cloth, it is uniform 360* around the element which gives us about a 1 pound pressure loss, along with excellent flow capabilities.
- When is one better over the other?
A great example is a alcohol motor with the dilution of alcohol getting into the oil, the paper will absorb the moisture and eventually swell the paper up and can actually shut itself off and won’t allow any oil to get into the paper filter. Our stainless element is unaffected by moisture or fuel and can be cleaned and reused hundreds of time.
- What does someone need to ask before deciding on what they need for filtration?
First and foremost would be the weight of oil that they are going to use. A great example would be a Blown Chrysler Hemi running 60 or 70wt. motor oil. The heavyweight oil was not intended to be used with a paper style oil filter. Having a tortuous path with paper filters it could and will tear the pleats in the paper and then the majority of the oil will not be filtered. We offer a 75 micron element for heavyweight oil. It is designed for 60 or 70wt. oil to flow properly thru it. One of the key choices for us is micron ratings. The larger the number the heavier the oil you can use. Examples would be lighter, multi viscosity oils can use finer micron rated elements the heavier the oil, the larger micron rating you need for flow!
- What makes System 1 different?
We are a cleanable, re-useable type filter. Our units can be cleaned and reused over and over again. We have excellent particle retention and the best flow capabilities in the industry.
One of the best kept secrets is using the filter as a tool. It’s the best tool for looking at what’s going on inside the motor. If you’re having a bearing problem, or gear problem, it will show up in the filter allowing you to fix the problem before it becomes a major problem. It’s the best tool you will ever own! You Will See The Difference!
System 1 Filtration, Since 1985
Sales Manager,
Mark Mittel
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